Sunday, July 22, 2012

I am Who I am...

This new blog which I am starting today is more of a personal narration. The purpose of this blog is to share my views and perception about life, faith and everything relative to it. I am no preacher, but definitely I am a writer which I believe is by His grace.

In this blog I may share positive attributes of my faith and some negative aspects of Christianity which may sound a little skeptical to some people. However, I would like to acknowledge that this is wholly my perspective and in no way am I offending anybody's view or perception.

To begin with, I would like to brief a little about my faith and my perception of it. I don't want to tag myself as "a Christian" or "a believer". In simplest terms I would like to describe myself as a person in whose life "Jesus Christ" has made (and still making) all the difference...

My personal goal in life is this...

I want to be crucified with Christ so that it is no longer I live but Christ lives in me. And this life which I live in my body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me still (as I believe from His Word) and gave Himself for me (paraphrasing Galatians 2:20)

The very reason why I don't want to carry a tag as a believer or a Christian, is that there are so many people in this world who carry a tag but they seldom live a life worthy of the tag. So I chose to refrain having tags as such. Besides, I do not believe in preaching the gospel but believe in living the gospel to my best possible awareness and strength. I know it is a challenge but that challenge is no excuse for not living a life worthy of the grace due to which we say we are saved. I believe it is possible to live the gospel by His strength.

When I accepted the Lord16 years before, I was sure of the purpose of the One I was going to follow and the outcome therefrom. I knew that the very purpose of being chosen by God was to make me (and us) more like that of His Son Jesus. Rom 8:28-29 (NIV) [28.... who have been called according to his purpose.29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son]

For me blessings has never been an attraction element for choosing Christ. When I chose Him, I knew that He could make a better person...I know that He would help me grow up and be more like Him. I was sure that He would be able to instill His attributes and His personality in me (as long as I chose to yield to Him). As far as blessings is concerned I see it as an outcome of the relationship, the Lord has with me. When an earthly father knows to give the best to his children, how much more a heavenly Father?

I really don't think, I need to nag, be adamant and claim my blessings. Am I sounding like a saint here?Well, I am not one. I do ask my heavenly Father for my needs. I do share my disappointments, anxieties and frustrations that I face in life with Him. But I don't see that I need to be too concentrated on my needs or blessings which will make me look like a immature child.

To be honest, I was like that before...nagging, pestering or even demanding towards God. But I realized that I don't need to be. I need to grow up, know my Father well, and rest in Him believing that He will do His best for me. As a mother, when I know how to take care of my child's needs, I believe He knows much more than I do...He is aware of my sincere longings. He knows my heart's ache. He is able to empathize and I believe He will do the needful...

I have much more to say...but to begin with I am starting faith. If anyone wants to comment on this blog, you are invited to do so...positive, negative, anything...I assure you it will not put me down...See you later...



  1. I see a straight forward message here... Am i able to showcase a difference in me being a follower of Christ before i start sharing about him... What difference is it going to be otherwise...

    Help me Lord me be able to reflect your image in me...

    This is a good start... Let the posting keep coming

    God Bless

  2. This blog reveals that you are a matured Christian doing His will. It reminds me of the famous saying, "Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hands" Continue to bring out many such blogs. Definitely it will be an eye-opener to many so called Christian believers.
    Jerry, Cbe

  3. Thanks for your comments Jerry na.
